Using Lighting to Promote Safety on Trains

In response to the shocking Sarah Everard case, ‘immediate steps’ were announced by the government, including doubling the Safer Streets funding to provide the likes of better lighting and CCTV to reduce the chance that such an incident wouldn’t happen on our streets again.  However, it also needs to be remembered that millions of people also rely on public transport to get around and there are still huge issues regarding on safety on our trains – especially for women, BAME and disabled passengers – that have not yet been addressed. 


This means that according to statistics from the ONS, 58% of women aged 16 to 34 years reported feeling very or fairly unsafe using public transport alone after dark whilst 34% say they have witnessed assault or harassment and 19% report having been assaulted or harassed. 


The solution is not for nearly two thirds (63%) of females to just avoid travelling alone. Nor is it for them to have to undertake ‘normalised behaviour’ like being very choosy where they sit or assiduously avoiding making eye contact with anyone.  Instead, more innovative solutions need to be put in place to help assure safety.   


Instead, the Government should need to focus on using modern technology to solve this problem.  All trains must have CCTV to comply with current standards by monitoring inappropriate behaviour, damage to property or any activity that endangers others. However, new innovations that are being developed by the industry to use lighting to increase safety and security on trains could easily form part of a standard safety package.


Belvoir Rail has developed the "IlluminateSafe" project which aims to introduce an innovative lighting system designed to deter offenders, assist in the immediate identification of incidents, and support law enforcement in effectively addressing these crimes.  In practical terms, it is a simple solution that allows passengers to activate a system where a spotlight could be directed towards the perpetrator of a train, therefore highlight the activity without putting those on the train at risk.


James Brown, Managing Director of Belvoir Rail said “The IlluminateSafe lighting innovation is designed with the dual purpose of improving passenger safety, particularly for vulnerable groups, and aligning with the broader goals of reducing crime and enhancing public perception of safety at railway stations.  It ensures that intervention can occur when a situation arises, enhancing passenger safety and restoring confidence in our rail services”.

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